Wednesday 7 March 2012

Jaunsar Bawar Politics

Again the Pirtam singh win the election third time in the row of Chakrata ST 
Pirtam get advantage of no strong opposition leader in the area. Which make 
impossible him to lose Chakrata for near future also.
Winning of Chakata sit for congress is not because good leader ship and 
development of Pritam singh but its looks more blunder mistaken done 
by opposition leader. Most close rival of Pirtam in this area is Munna singh chauhan which was 
MLA of Vikasnager  and Chakrata in past also. Beside having leadership 
quality and good knowledge of politics he fail to win election by thier own 
mistakes. Munna Moslty join all major party of India in past but never retain there for 
long time.
Before 2009 general election try to take advatage of exit poll and media 
forecast for 2009 election he try his luck in going mayavati BSP but nothing 
got from there also.
Than 2012 also story is same where all voter in Chakrata region get divided 
into Munna and BJP and finally chose to congress.
Munna singh Chauhan, Jaspal rana and Ram sharan nautiyal these all looks 
join political for own benefit and business.
What shuold be match to join the party is Ideology and party line politics.
But  Munna singh Chauhan, Jaspal rana and Ram sharan nautiyal not follow any political Ideology only found to beg for ticket or left the party at the time of election.
That's why they found going here and there at time of election which 
decrease image and credibility of these people.
For this Result and condition munna singh is himself responsible.
Other hand future is bright for Pirtam Singh and He will definitely going to play major role in state congress party. 

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