Monday 5 March 2012

Nuclear and Arab

As per USA and Israel (western countries) Iran is trying to make nuclear weapon. It may be true that Iran is making nuclear bomb but if western don't have problem with Pakistan nuclear program that why they have problem with Iran nuclear as compare to the Pakistan Iran look more responsible for their nuclear program.
In 21st century technology can't be hide from any state even nuclear also so these is not possible that we pressurize any country for not to know technology and if u threat them for attack on existence its show our world history that we become more disparate to take that weapon. The best example of this is Israel.
As per me what western and USA think that nuclear technology should be in responsible hand but they don't forecast this with Pakistan case which spread nuclear to all major black listed country and today Pakistan fighting with own existence and threatening to fall their nuclear in terrorist hand. So we should be alert on Pakistan situation.
Today world power like USA, Russia and China playing own gain and loss politics with dealing Iran nuclear program But bigger question is that nuclear in Arab and gulf area is save for world and this region.
As per me this area is the most dangerous and uncertain in world where falling government, civil war, war with neighbor's , Islamic terrorism, jihad, relation of Shia and Sunni, Saddam and Gaddafi type Islamic leader all are part of history of this region so any country with nuclear in this area can make situation more serious.
In Iran case also situation is same what make doubtful and worried in Iran case is that Iran have lots of oil and natural gas which they are exporting all over the world so why they need nuclear energy second doubt is that if they have peace purpose then why they are hiding from world.
and Worried is that they are islamic shia country surroundings by Sunni so reason for religious conflict in this ares is normal in old days on this base Sunni country also try to get nuclear to balance the iran which can make situation more worse.
Pakistan is the best example of this and also a lesson for china and USA which make Pakistan a nuclear country and today all know where Pakistan stand on nuclear spreading issue and we all know Pakistan internal and external situation. Today even USA and China have idea that Pakistan nuclear will definitely create problem for world in future decades.
So world should take responsible decision to tackle the problem by peace process and all world should unite to stop the Iran or any country to miss use of nuclaer  technology .
Nuclear issue should not be the part of  allies politics in world

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